Welcome to the PVNC OECTA Website
June Update
The local PVNC OECTA Teachers' Unit has reached tentative local agreements of the 2022-26 contract on May 23rd for permanent teachers and for the Occasional Teachers' agreement on May 29th!
The ratification meeting for Permanent Teachers is Monday, June 3rd. at Baxter Creek at 4:30pm with the vote taking place on June 4th and June 5th via board email. The Occasional Teacher ratification meeting will take place at the Unit Office on Thursday, June 20th at 4:30pm and the vote will take place from June 20th to June 21st via board email.
No dates have been set yet for arbitration items for the central terms. Once dates have been set, members will be notified and any updates will be shared. Any salary and wages owed from the Bill 124 Remedy must be paid out by the board by July 31st, 2024. Please make sure to check your paystubs to ensure you are receiving the correct pay with the new rates.
Please watch for upcoming OECTA updates on our website and in your emails.
Please take the time as we are approaching the end of the school year to take care of yourself. It can be an extremely busy time of year and it is important to take time out of your day for yourself and your family.
Best wishes for a successful end of the school year and a safe and healthy summer.
Bart Scollard
PVNC Unit President
Important Dates/Information
Click here for OTIP Retirement Workshop Information!
*** UPDATED OCCASIONAL TEACHERS HANDBOOK*** Visit the members section!
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Representing over 1200 permanent & occasional teachers servicing 36 schools & 4 counties -Peterborou